Tank force victor mature
Tank force victor mature

tank force victor mature
tank force victor mature

There is already a pulpy 1970s airport novel mixed with a 1966 jukebox visual note to this graphical unveiling that is not remotely wrong for Bond and a bit of bold retro thinking is no bad thing.


Various albums, books, TV shows, biographies, Bond actress merchandise, Sonny & Chers, Magic Mikes and even Bond publications have used the typography before. Designed in 1927, Futura Black has – like 007 – a long history of usage in popular culture. The poster font itself is certainly a curious detail.


It proved a valuable training ground for Cubby Broccoli when finally taking on the Bond series with Harry Saltzman merely a couple or so years later and its use again here is an astute tribute. Re-titled Tank Force! in the US, Cubby’s film starred Victor Mature, Goldfinger song writer Anthony Newley, stunt man Bob Simmons and Thunderball‘s Luciana Paluzzi.

tank force victor mature

Broccoli, written by Bond scribe Richard Maibaum, photographed by early Bond cinematographer Ted Moore and directed by the first 007 director Terence Young firmly in mind, the twenty-fifth bullet from EON Productions knows EXACTLY its heritage and historical resonance for our man James – it was the title of a 1958 Warwick Films production. Yet, there is a greater resonance to this title for 007 and the House of Bond. It appears that ‘die’ and ‘kill’ are the must-have title ingredients for each Bond’s final outing.


Sharp, perfectly vague and an open gift to all title song performers this side of the Academy Awards, NO TIME TO DIE will be the marquee name of Daniel Craig’s fifth spin of the 007 dice and not be the endnote suggestion as always touted by the press and social media, but a wilfully open-ended moniker that does as all Bond titles should – shout from the movie theatre roofs that not Bond is not only back, he will return. With a retro-minded military font brilliantly screaming dog-eared Len Deighton paperback novels covered in vacation sand and a blunter, harder edged typography more in keeping with 007 himself (or herself), NO TIME TO DIE pushes the masculine drives of our man James and proves the multitude of titles were merely the property of a maybe. The Shanghai Gesture and Betrayed are only the beginning of the films on this list.After much speculation, cold leads, even colder rumours, baseless nonsense and pure fictions masquerading as headlines, EON Productions finally pull back the silk sheets to reveal the real title to their twenty-fifth bullet – NO TIME TO DIE. The greatest Victor Mature performances didn't necessarily come from the best movies, but in most cases they go hand in hand. If you think the best Victor Mature role isn't at the top, then upvote it so it has the chance to become number one. If you and a friend are arguing about this then use this list of the most entertaining Victor Mature films to end the squabble once and for all. Victor Mature has been in a lot of films, so people often debate each other over what the greatest Victor Mature movie of all time is. The order of these top Victor Mature movies is decided by how many votes they receive, so only highly rated Victor Mature movies will be at the top of the list. Victor Mature's highest grossing movies have received a lot of accolades over the years, earning millions upon millions around the world. List of the best Victor Mature movies, ranked best to worst with movie trailers when available.

Tank force victor mature